Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I'm going! W00T!!

Coparent kindly got a friend (ex Ticketek staff) on the net and booked tickets. I'm going to see Pink LIVE in concert!!!

I can't actually remember my last concert which is a bit strange.

I started out concert hopping at the ripe old age of 14. My first one was seeing Ah-ha in Festival Hall. Neither exist these days ;). I do recall around the same time seeing Bon Jovi in concert and oh-my-god he pointed at me. Yes, me. Ok, there may have also been another 9000 or so concert goers but I'm still sure it was ME!

I've been lucky enough to see Madonna (front row standing, gold class area thank you very much!) and bored during Darryl Braithwaite. A heap of pub bands and John Farnham waaaay too many times to still be considered 'cool'. I saw Prince (sadly from the VERY back row - I will never fax an order for tickets ever again! The doves were apparently crying because it was too damn hard to fly from the stage to where we were sitting.) live in Brisbane.

However these days, I've slunk into being old. I'm a mother. A teacher. A friend. I'm in a rut and have been quite comfortable to stay here thank-you-very-much. I've accepted less than I deserve from people and haven't stood up for myself. I have not been my own champion. I have denied parts of myself because it was easier to do so.

I certainly do not go to rock concerts. How frivolous! And yet I'm going anyway. I'm going to be in the standing area and I'm going to dance my ass off!

Bring it on!

Now, just to find someone to go with . . .

In honour of Ms P!nk and recent developments . . .

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